Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Upcoming April 9th Gathering

Our next gathering will be the day after Easter in the brightness of Spring !

The meeting on April 9th will have a wonderful theme for the day. Our presenter will be Crystal Rehn from The Potting Shed. They will provide a delicious box lunch, for which we will ask a small fee of $8.00 Be sure to see the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the Narthex for your choice of sandwich.

Ruthe and I will be unable to be present for our May meeting. We will be in Indonesia, so I am looking for volunteers to be hosts and perhaps to come up with an idea for the May program.

Also, keep the 9th of July on your calender reserved for us, as that will be the date of our CELEBRATION OF SUMMER. Hopefully, it will be in the Park again.

Remember, the Pioneer Club is your club. Let's celebrate it together!

Paster John Harder

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