Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Next Meeting May 11 at Noon

On Monday, May 11th, the noon potluck dinner will feature a special presentation by Jim Hanson. Jim is a pilot who retired as a captain from United Airlines in 2004. For 34 years, he flew 747s.

He will supplement his talk with some slides related to his flights of troops from Frankfort, Germany to Kuwait. He took pictures of the solders with their full battle gear and emailed them to their families - about 300 to 400 pictures. He has a hanger by his home in Poplar Grove Airport and sometimes he makes Angel flights to Mayo Clinic, transporting Katrina victims to Houston, etc.

He'll be open to questions and talk. So write down May 11th and be there.

As always, this Club is open to anyone over the age of 55 !!! Show up !!